
Saturday 11 June 2022


Due to a recent accident I've been resting up. This afternoon during sleep state I was travelling to see a buddy. He was in a beautiful American style house with large sweeping stairs and hallway. 

The woman in the house looked like an older version of Amber Heard and she was wearing a silver evening dress. I saw one of his son's with him too. Everyone was being very cordial. After our meeting he drove me back to the train station. 

Then there was a different scene, I was sitting in an English garden and a former Creative Director was placing a padded gold crown on my head, it took him some time for David to fix it, so that it would stay on my head. 

In dream interpretation, a dream featuring a general atmosphere of home life, predicts small satisfactions and adjustment to whatever your circumstances might be. 

The woman with him in the dream was one of his wives. 

An old house signifies a reunion or renewal of an old association. The dream did feel like a reunion with a buddy and there were real energy orbs floating around in my hallway last night. He's very present. 

Travelling and the train station, he drove me back to the train station to take the next journey home. In dream interpretation, travelling can indicate a sudden and substantial increase in status and/or income if travelling for pleasure. 

Then there was the large padded golden crown in the dream, a golden crown can signify unexpected honours, a golden crown made from material suggests gains through influential friends. 


While walking my dog, I could smell soap. My buddy has chosen soap has one of his signature smells. 

The brand with his name on it, is sold at Tescos. LOL 

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