
Monday 27 June 2022


Barristers, Queens Counsel are on strike in England and Wales.  The Black Belt Barrister explains how barristers don't earn has much has people might think on legal aid. Also far fewer barristers are taking on criminal cases due to the current legal aid system.  The justice system is at breaking point. 

Tradesmen earn more than barristers.

When the justice system and its Queen's Counsel turns against the government, you know that the government is not in sync with the people. The barristers report that people have been leaving the profession and there are fewer and fewer people willing to become a barrister due to the low pay for the amount of hours they spend on individual cases. One of the barristers said, "we're exhausted". 

It's not just barristers, solicitor's are also refusing to work for the legal aid rates being paid by the government. I've been complaining about the drop in the amount of legal aid for a couple of decades, although most people aren't aware of it until they require legal help. 

A few years ago I contacted the Law Society when I was looking for a Human Rights lawyer, they provided me with a list of solicitor's. When I approached those listed, all said that they didn't provide a Human Rights lawyer and they didn't provide legal aid either. 

I then phoned the Law Society again to update them and to tell them that they have to update their records. They responded that it was up to the solicitors to keep the Law Society updated. Around and around in circles we go. 

In the whole county there wasn't a single Human Rights lawyer, nor were any providing legal aid. So then who are all the Human Rights lawyers? If you look at Universities, most students are foreign students and most of those return home to their own countries to fight for Human Rights there. That doesn't help people in the UK, now does it? 

In the 90s you could still bring a case against a financial institution on legal aid, today there is no legal aid to help defend you. In the 90s I was fortunate to hire a Corporate Lawyer on legal aid to take legal action against a financial institution and we won the case. During the recession in the UK, some financial consultants were taking advantage of the people and the underwriters were changing the small print in the policies without informing the clients. 

One of the reasons that they weren't paying out on policies and why so many people had their homes removed from them by the banks and building societies 

The government did the same with women's pensions, that is why 1950s women weren't paid their pensions when they were originally promised that they would be. I was one of those women that was born in the 1950s. Lawyers estimate that what the British government did cost my generation of women at least £50,000. Jeremy Hunt was bragging in America that when he took the women's pensions, it was the quickest billions that he'd ever made. 

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