
Monday 9 May 2022


I dosed off laying on the couch this afternoon after walking the dog. Has I opened my eyes I saw numerous trails of smoke going up on the top of the printers. I have been having some issues with my Cannon printer and getting it to connect with the computer and that has held me up. 

In dream interpretation to see smoke in this context, asks to keep your chin up, you will have some new experiences. In spiritual symbology, smoke can represent prayer ascending, it can also signify the soul ascending, purified by fire. In scripture, the Psalms, "Part your heavens LORD, and come down, touch the mountains so that they smoke". Psalm 144:5. 

"The LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over those that assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night, over everything the glory will be a canopy". Isaiah 4:5. 

At night time I have an infrared lamp on, it does look like a flaming fire. 

What is coming soon? The Second Passover on May 15, known has Pesach Sheni. 


Let's have some Smokey Robinson. Being with you. 

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