
Sunday 8 May 2022

Church of England Apologises To Jews

The Church of England has apologised for the anti-Jewish laws that the Catholic Church in England passed 800 years ago. The Jerusalem Post reports "this event marks the anniversary of 1222 Synod of Oxford, which culminated in expulsion of England's Jews 68 years later, followed by similar repercussions across Europe." 

"In promulgating the Decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) the Synod added a range of further anti-Jewish measures for the medieval church in England. The resulting canons forbade social interactions between Jews and Christians, established specific church tithes on Jews, and imposed the need for English Jews to wear an identifying badge. These prejudicial laws were followed by further anti-Jewish statutes and mass expulsion of the Jewish community."

The Vatican and its historical crimes against humanity. 

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