
Friday 20 May 2022


I haven't being doing much this week due to an injury to my right hand on the total lunar eclipse, (16th May) a pottery shard cut my apollo finger, its also my ring finger. I'm having to have it dressed every couple of days. It could have had a a couple of stitches in it, although I'm hoping that it will recover and heal on its own. A friend's husband also cut his finger too at the same time. 

This post is about a nightmare I received of a bombing of a town in our county, although I received it at dawn, it was so devastating that it pulled me out of dream state. Nightmares are an extremely rare phenomenon for most people, although sometimes they can be prophetic and a premonition. 

Previously, when I have received information like this I contact the police to alert them. My motto being, it is better to be on the safe side. 

However, this time I've emailed the MP responsible for the area. Asking them to increase security and to be on high alert. In the nightmare both people and property were devastated, the bomb created devastation of the area. 

In dream interpretation it relates to our way of life that is being threatened, the legal system and the importance of taking judicial action. 

In this video a psychiatrist, Sam Knight discusses his investigation of dreams and forebodings of the British public. Paranormal premonitions that he collected. 

I had a premonition about Princess Diana has soon as I saw her on the boat with Dodi splashed all over the national newspapers. I knew her life was in great danger. It was so powerful, I couldn't shake it off. 

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