
Monday 25 April 2022


On the 27th March I kept on receiving the message "Mariupol".

In this video uploaded today by Eva K. Bartlett, she is speaking to another journalist Roman Kosarev while on their way to Mariupol to deliver humanitarian aid, Roman has been delivering aid for three weeks now, to people desperately in need. 

It was Roman Kosarev that interviewed Sean Pinner, the British soldier, a mercenary that was fighting with Ukraine and he discusses the interview with Eva in this film. 

The the filming is titled "Ukrainian Soldiers & Azov Nationalists Place Weapons in Mariupol Apartments and Occupied the top floors". That is considered hiding behind women and children to gain maximum PR opportunity on the world stage with Ukraine accusing Russia of killing civilians. 

When politicians from the west visit these areas they don't see the snipers that were shooting from these buildings. 

I found Eva K Bartlett's work on the frontlines due to being recommended by Gonzalo Lira. 


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