
Thursday 21 April 2022


A Chilean-American critic of Zelenskyy went silent in Ukraine last week. He shared with us all that had listened to him, that if we didn't hear from him for over 12 hours then it would be time to get concerned about his whereabouts. He was tweeting and making videos daily about the situation in Ukraine. 

He was born in Chile, although he had lived in many countries and I think he said that he had a dual passport for America and Ukraine. He is married to a Ukrainian and there are two young              children in the marriage. 

Gonzalo didn't turn up for a MOATS YT show with George Galloway and that is when the alarm bells went off in the UK. Former US Weapons Inspector, Scott Ritter was also unable to contact him. Many people have written to the Chilean embassies in different countries and the Chilean government are aware of his disappearance in Ukraine.

This American guy, Vin, provides you with the information immediately leading up to Lira's disappearance. 

There has also been news that a Ukrainian blogger that was against the Zelenskyy regime has been executed in his car. 

The Ukrainian bloggers name is Valery Kuleshov. There are no human rights in Ukraine under the western puppet Zelenskyy. 


Gonzalo Lira has been released after his capture and he is alive speaking today with Alex from The Duran. Lira doesn't have his phone or computer so cannot access any of his on-line social media accounts. He's not allowed to leave the city and or speak publicly about what happened in-depth since April the 15th. The important aspect is that he is alive. So thank you to everyone for your prayers and actions. I too prayed for him and asked the LORD Almighty for help for him.

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