
Friday 15 April 2022


I received a dream of my dog this morning, and it looked like flea residue all over his back. I said, "right you are going in the bath". 

Then on waking I was shown a tub, it had a black top and it was clear underneath. The tub was full of white powder. It could have been DE due to it being white powder. DE can be sprinkled on his back prior to bathing and it can be sprinkled indoors too. Dr Jones says leave it on for 24 hours prior to bathing it off. I have made previous posts on DE on this blog, humans can use it on their teeth mixed with coconut oil, people and dogs can drink it in water.  Diatomaceous Earth is pure silica. 

In dream interpretation fleas and their residues do have significance, and it means that if you managed to kill them or get rid of them, then you will triumph over your enemies. 

I think it is a pre-warning to start prevention now, the season starts now. 

Yesterday in real life, he managed to find some chestnut mushrooms in the bin, I thought hmm, truffles, I think he's ready for truffle training. He's a great sniffer. Although it is advised to teach them while they are still very young and my dog is now a year old. However, we will have a go, he likes training because he gets lots of my attention, its also great for brain stimulation. I love the look on his face in this photograph. 

He did catch Fox Lungworm in August 2021, and there is now 511 cases reported within a 50 mile radius of where we live. In January, 2022, he then caught Giardia, I really have to stay on it with him and his health. At the end of April, I shall order another stool test because the last time he received the all clear was in February. I do a quarterly check or sooner if he shows any signs of being unwell. 

It is important for my health too because in the latest Finnish research, they found that dog parasites had moved to humans. After he caught Fox Lungworm, I began having digestive issues that I hadn't had before, so I did a parasite cleanse with raw garlic, raw ginger, raw onions and black pickled walnuts. 

Very soon my own health improved after the cleanse. 

I hope that all of our readers have a happy Passover. We are having a family lunch today. 

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