
Sunday 13 March 2022


I had a dream this morning, a military dream. I was walking down a massive hill towards a military building. There was water, the sea to the left and sand to the right. I knew that I had to walk towards the building and there were lots of people milling around. On entering the building I went towards the reception counter desk, a woman was behind the counter. 

I explained to the woman that I wasn't in the military but my b/f was a pilot and she replied, "He wants you to be safe", I replied, "Yes". 

The woman behind me was given two ski suits, they were black with some white on the suits, she wasn't staying at the facility, it was like the facility was a place for supplies to be given, a place where military passed through. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of an army means that you will have to travel for the purpose given in the dream.  A building can be symbolic of achievement, if the building is modest it can represent comfort. 

There were clothes being given out in the dream and the quantity given is relevant, the more clothes a person was given the more urgent the warning of difficulties ahead. Ski suits also pertain to cold weather. The colour black indicates that difficulties will be overcome and the white stripes on the suits is symbolic of purity. 

In scripture "the one whose walk is blameless is kept safe", "those that walk in wisdom are kept safe". 

"Wisdom is more precious than rubies". 

Where I live in real life, the former garrison is much smaller than it once was and they're still building housing on that former MoD land. Although it is not close to the coastline like the facility shown in the dream. 

The 13th of March is the "Day of Prediction". 

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