
Saturday 5 February 2022


While bathing this morning I was shown a turtle, then I saw an outline of a man that was completely red with a gold circle in the middle of his torso. 

When I saw the turtle it reminded me of a friend who cleaned his daughter's terrapin's tank and we chatted about independence. I had a tortoise when I was a child. 

The red man reminded me of the red light therapy and I bought a red light heat lamp in 2021 for my health. 

The Turtle moves slowly, and they like the water and land and I was in water when I was shown the vision. 

So what is going on with the planets? Robert Wilkinson shares with us that the Sun is Conjunct Saturn for a few days. 

1 comment:

  1. The Mohawk elder brought down to the floor by the police in Ottawa came from Turtle Island. Her name is Candy.
