
Sunday 27 February 2022


I've been looking into the history of the conflict in Ukraine and how Ukraine became a colony for America and the EU in their attempt to isolate Russia and create a war against it. American military are known for their psychological warfare and when they go in they flatten everything, to remind civilians of the power of its military. 

It is no coincidence that filmmaker Sean Penn has been in Ukraine filming with Zelenskyy since November 2021. Sean referred to Ukraine has a symbol of courage and principle. That's what he says about the most "corrupt" location in eastern Europe, not only that but it is the 2nd poorest.

Where is the principle in the "CORRUPTION" in Ukraine. Will Sean Penn include Clinton in his film documentary of how Obama/Clinton made a Ukrainian leader choose between America and Russia. 

Clinton made it clear that Ukraine was forbidden to have both, Ukraine had to choose America and that is how Ukraine became entrapped in the bidding of America's Liberal Democrats. It became a colony to hit Russia with America on his doorstep. 

Will Sean Penn include the fact that Zelenskyy has off-shore bank accounts in at least three different countries and he personally owns numerous expensive properties in London. Have a look at the Pandora Papers. 

Will his documentary include the fact that Ukraine started the war in Donbass, Ukraine recently? And that the conflict has been going on for eight years? One of the local Ukrainian mayors called it 'genocide'. 

Will he include the stories of the families of the two teachers that were killed by Ukrainians last week? 

I'm not surprised that Liberal Democrat Madonna is dancing the pole for the professional comedian, Zelenskyy. Nor am I surprised that Harry and Meghan are dancing to the tune of Obama either and have come out in support of the "corrupt" Zelenskyy. 

Putin cannot stomach "hypocrisy", he's a true and devoted Christian defending the faith. 

Ukraine started this war and I think that Putin will put an end to it. I'm pleased to see that the Russians have started a criminal investigation into Ukraine. The Russians have plenty of evidence for Ukraine's crimes against humanity within Ukraine. 

Did you know that there are American bio-labs in Ukraine? The embassy of Ukraine confirmed that they are under the control of the Pentagon. If there were bio-labs on your doorstep, wouldn't you do your utmost to get them dismantled and removed? They are not only a threat to Russia, they are also a threat to the whole of Europe.

Putin has made it clear that he has no intention to occupy Ukraine or to harm any civilians. He is not targeting civilian infrastructure, alas, the Ukrainian military continue to do so. 

This is a battle for the security of Russia and the region and to rid the region of American influence, corruption and bio-weapons. Putin views it that Ukraine and its people have been taken hostage by America's politicians. Putin was invited in to protect the people that were being fired at by Ukraine military with weapons from the west. 

It has been written that the families of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney are all involved financially in Ukraine in the energy sector. And we've all heard about Hunter Biden's laptop. Investigations into the "Corruption" have been going on for years and the Ukrainians would like their money back. 

This investigation in Ukraine investigates Biden and Kerry is mentioned too. Apparently, this hour long press conference was recorded in 2020. Double judgement !  

Now Sean Penn, will you include all of that in your fact finding documentary? How NATO caused a war in Ukraine? 

The Duran have been covering current events and have been doing a fantastic job of looking at all of the implications. I highly recommend their commentary on the current situation. 


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