
Wednesday 2 February 2022


So we went to the vet on the 22nd of January, 2022 due to my 10 month old puppy having black diarrhea during Friday night. The vet put him on a course of ant-biotics and pro-biotics. I gave him a bland diet for a day, and some flower essence rescue remedy to help to clear the shock to his system from the experience. The next day he was back onto his raw food diet. 

Puppies are particularly prone to catching Giardia and it can take 5-12 days after ingestion before the cysts appear in the stools of dogs, it takes longer with cats.

The same day, the worm count test from FECLAB in Exeter arrived. (The last test was done at the end of October 2021 and he was all clear.) 

In January, the vet did think there was a possibility that he had Giardia, and I shared that I had already ordered a stool test from the lab, prior to the diarrhea. The results came back yesterday and she was correct. When I spoke to them on the telephone today, she advised that they prescribe Panacur and I will be able to collect in 72 hours. 

This is an excellent presentation and it in includes what has to be done to your environment if your dog has giardia. Also the presenter says that dogs under a year old are most prone to giardia and the season for it, is usually autumn and winter time. Treatment is given to the dog for five days. 

While we are waiting for the medication I've put half a teaspoon of Diatomaceous Earth in his drinking water and fresh garlic and cinnamon in his food. Holistic vet, Dr Jones from Canada recommends the garlic and cinnamon with dosages and he shares that there is scientific evidence to back it up. 

Update: I'm finding that the chopped garlic is going straight through his system, so I will try some garlic paste or powder. 

It's also a good idea to get him tested within 2 weeks of taking the prescribed med, and then again two  to four weeks after that.  To make sure he is all clear. So for the time being, he won't be allowed to mix with other dogs until we have that clearance, because it is very contagious. 

Infected dogs have to be bathed regularly to remove the cysts from their coats, you also have to have their coats clipped off.  You also have to wash all bedding, toys and soft furnishings to remove any cysts. It can be a big job to clear the cysts from your home. 

I'm just pleased that to date he's only had the diarrhea once. 

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