
Tuesday 1 February 2022


One of the adverse effects of the Covid jabs is diarrhea in humans and a few people have mentioned it to me after they got the booster jab.

Are injected humans shedding to animals because across the UK there is public outrage due to the amount of dogs that are vomiting and suffering from severe diarrhea. 

This article mentions that a BBC presenter's dog died of it. DEFRA are investigating what they are calling a bug. At first they thought it was only on the beaches but vets have reported cases inland.

Weekend before last I too was at the vet due to my puppy having a severe case of black diarrhea during the night.  I took him to the vet in emergency. The vet put him on a course of anti-biotics and pro-biotics. I gave him flower essence Rescue Remedy and he made a miraculous and immediate recovery. 

He has had contact with people that have been injected, so it does make one wonder. Especially has neither the vets or DEFRA know what is causing it and they say it is spreading like wildfire across the UK. A vet that first brought it to everyone's attention in Yorkshire says it's a virus.

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