
Friday 28 January 2022

VENUS DIRECT 12 Degrees of Capricorn

Venus goes direct on the 29th of January, 2022. I've selected an article from Robert Wilkinson to share with you. It's great that Venus will be direct in time for my birthday and Valentines Day in February. 

This transit will influence 2022-2023.

Robert has provided a different article on the New Moon on the 31st of January, 2022 for some and in the UK it will be on the 1st February. 

He mentions a new focus whenever it comes in 13 degrees of Aquarius and describes it has a time of "tuning our inner barometer".

For yours truly I am currently into this health wise. The time of the IMPORTANT FACTOR, the Methylation Cycle and folate that impacts on 200 different functions in the body. I've replaced the doctors prescription of folic acid with the natural alternative of folate. Folate is so very important to the body that if a pregnant mother doesn't get enough folate it can cause birth abnormalities.

I'm also into Infrared Light therapy, and have recommended it to a friend's son for his dad. I've passed on all of the research links and have also recommended folate for his dad too. Please see previous blogposts. 

Enjoy, I am certainly enjoying this gallant little fellow that is full of love and I have no plans to get him cut, he's staying in tact for his health. During the Human Genome Project it was discovered that cuts in childhood mutates genetics and that can be the cause of allergies and skin conditions. 

He loves to watch videos of other dogs and jumps on my lap to watch them. He has a beautiful gentle soul and is ten months old this week. 

Now that Venus is going direct, I'm hopeful that when he's on the leash, he will improve. He does like to smell every blade of grass, he is so curious in the environment. Earlier this evening while listening to the American Senators discussion I could smell MINT.

Mint is healthy for us and our digestive systems and it is also helpful for dogs too. I put a few leaves of fresh mint in his meal this week. We can also make a mint tincture. 

It's not just about our inner barometer though is it, what about our pets? 

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