
Saturday 1 January 2022


Every night in recent nights, every time I put the computer on sleep it opens again on its own with a pic of a buddy on it. Last night it did it three times, he loved Christmas and New Year. 

Painting circa 1895 
Artist: William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Well, 2022 arrived and it is a powerful numeric. In Hebrew gematria it is the equivalent of "A New Chapter In Your Life". "New Life Will Come". 

In English gematria it is "World's Greatest Love Story", and today I received news that a new friend is writing a book about her love story. It is also "It is our mission to help you". 

"I thank you for your kindness", "Thank you for making me smile again". "My kingdom is not of this world", "The Essence of who you are is love". "God the Father loves to hear her laugh". 

22 is a master number, the master builder, leadership, charity and angels. Hence it is a fabulous numeric for the spiritual community. 2 in the major arcane is the numeric of the lovers, male and female entwined has one together. It is a harmonious numeric and a great numeric for the music industry and their love songs and duets. 

During the holiday I felt the urge to spread the paint, so I feel sure I will paint again this year. It is great to hear people speak about what they'd like to achieve this year, some planning to become a partnership and start a business. 

Some are writing a book, my only plan so far is a training course for the puppy and I, it has already been booked and paid for. Although I do have some writing projects to finish and that I'd like to complete. Just look at him, he is adorable, 9 months old he is now, my Cockapoo, he weighs 12 kilo's. He really is a blessing in my life and he certainly keeps me busy clearing up after him. 

I've said to friends that my mum must be laughing upstairs because she knows that I don't like housework. Although I am pleased when its done and everything looks nice. 

When you've got a dog, there is housework to do everyday. This is my little one, a treasure of love he is and we look forward to our new adventures together in 2022. 

8 months old, sitting on my chair. He likes to look at the computer screen. I think he would jump into the computer if he could, he loves to watch doggie videos and jumps on my lap to watch them. 

9 months old and weighing 12 kilo's. He's getting used to grooming slowly. He's now worked out how to jump onto the table via the chair. He's a bundle of unconditional love, the dog licked it, the faithful friend! 

Another year to stay focussed in pure intention, do what you can to stay healthy and don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today. My Cockapoo and I wish all of our readers the very best of awesomeness in 2022. We met some lovely people and their dogs in 2021, and we look forward to meeting many more in 2022. 

Always remember that love eliminates fear, hold your loved ones close and near. Make sweet memories for all of you, we take sweet memories with us in our hearts, wherever we go. Allow love to be the force that activates you and compels your actions in this coming year. Jesus knew that love was the answer and so shared the power of his love with those that were ready to receive it with their eyes wide open. The Spiritual force is mighty indeed, so I hope with all my heart that you are blessed to experience it. 

Love beyond measure 

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