
Tuesday 25 January 2022


On the 15th January, 2022 I received a dream with my puppy in it and I was concerned in the dream that he was safe due to explosions.

Then during the night on the 21st January, 2022, he had been ill. Saturday morning I took him straight to the vet in an emergency. The vet prescribed an anti-biotic and a pro-biotic and feed him a bland diet. Plus his urine was tested, she said that he wouldn't let her take his temperature, so she couldn't do a blood test. 

On Saturday, I gave him some flower essences, Rescue Remedy and he had a little rice, pearl barley, a boiled egg and tuna fish with a little raw carrot at lunch time.  Then his next two meals were a little rice, a desert spoonful of pearl barley and chicken with carrot. He really likes some of the raw veggies to chew on. 

He made a very quick recovery and was eating his raw food again the very next day with a quarter of a teaspoonful of slippery elm. Although I have restricted his home made treats for the time being.  

Slippery Elm

He's so cute, such an adorable profile. 


I had already ordered a worm count test and that has since arrived. We will be sending his stools to the laboratory this week. The last time we tested his stools were in October 2021 and he received the all clear. 

Hopefully, he will be again. Although it is always best to check if your dog is unwell at any time. 

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