
Saturday 6 November 2021

What's Happening To Milk?



  1. I remember driving to go buy raw milk weekly when I was a kid back in the stone age. It was actually cheaper than buying from the grocery in the long run as we used the creme to make butter with and had a deep freeze to store in. That became virtually impossible over time as raw milk was basically outlawed through regulations and the dairy farms disappeared. My state has eased those regulations somewhat, but it is hard to find a small farm anywhere close. That land turned into new subdivisions and suburbs. I have a family member who works for the dairy council and tells me about the waste and artificially inflated/depressed prices with regulation. Milk from the grocery will become very expensive here if the trend goes up. Most comes from California and the farmers there are a dying breed because of water regulations. (Cant grow feed without water). Searching for another small farm, raw milk supplier again. Funny how that goes full circle.

  2. Yes, thank you for sharing your story PRF. One of my grandad's owned a dairy business shop, I still remember that it was on the street corner. He sold up in the late 50s I think and then became a postman. They had a lovely Victorian garden in their rented house and gran Sophia had a Cocker Spaniel. I still remember the days of coming home with the milkman, seeing the milkman delivering their rounds in the early morning. It was a lovely sight to see them in their carts lit up in the wintertime. Glass milk bottles left on our doorsteps, we didn't have an issue with too many plastics in those days. Jeremy Clarkson is providing milk on his farm in the Cotswolds. I've started buying from our local farm shop. You can get cuts of meat that you can't get in store and the veg is so fresh.
