
Monday 15 November 2021


Another lovely film soundtrack from Hans Zimmer, it looks like a film that I would enjoy. In my childhood I worked at the local stables in Kent. All weekend I would work at the stables in exchange for a one hour ride, that's dedication and devotion for you, that's passion and love beyond measure. 

The horse is symbolic of freedom, one of the reasons I loved to ride with the wind in my long hair. My dad loved to film yours truly riding. I wonder if he knew that I was born in the year of the horse and being an Aquarian, freedom is the key word for us. 

He loved to sing this song, 'The very thought of you".

What did I do today? Block emails coming from the NHS about getting the Flu jab. They are sending my age group no reply emails, so I've blocked them. I will probably receive a phone call next and then I shall give them an earful. 

My 7 month old puppy went to the beauty parlour, and he was very naughty boy. 

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