
Sunday 14 November 2021


This is interesting, it is a video on "SIJ Dysfunction", apparently, MRI's don't show ligament damage. SIJ stands for "Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction". 

I was recently given the name Dani-el divinely and this therapist has the name.  

Danielle Matias is a "Prolotherapist" and she says that it is often the case that physical therapy doesn't usually help these cases. In this video she shows you how ligament damage can be a co-creator of the sciatica. 

I use an inversion table for sciatica and the sciatica stops if and when I do inversion therapy on a regular basis. When I first bought my inversion table, it took six weeks to solve the sciatica, a few minutes a day, a couple of times a day. I only do partial inversion and it is also great for working the muscles easily. It is the easiest exercise I have ever engaged in. 

So let's see what Danielle has to say about Chronic Piriformis Syndrome. 

I wouldn't let anyone inject me, that's just the way I'm made. I resolve situations has naturally has I can, when I can. I do have treatments with my Chiropractor, around ten treatments this year. I also have therapeutic massage therapy has often has I can afford it. 

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