
Saturday 20 November 2021


We know from previous scientific reports that 1,000 cat owners a day were being infected by a parasite from their cats in the UK. This video is about the report published in 2012. 

This recent research from Finland is about how for the first time parasites from dogs have been discovered in humans.  

Parasites found in dogs can infect humans.

I'm currently having a medical G.I. investigation due to the symptoms that I have been having, so we will see if something similar has happened to yours truly and I will report back. My puppy had the all clear from a parasite on the 21st October, 2021. He and our home also appears to be clear from fleas. 

What can you do if you think that you might have been infected by a parasite from an animal? You must seek medical attention due to the symptoms that can be an alert to something serious going on in your body. The medical attention can include a urine test, stool test, blood test and even a CT scan. 

You could be prescribed with Ivermectin to clear the parasite out of your body and for preventative measures you can eat pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, fresh garlic and ginger. You can put a desert spoonful of Diatomaceous Earth in water to drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. 

It is important not to inhale DE, but you can drink the silica and so can your dogs. I put a 1/4 to1/2 teaspoonful of DE in my 7 month old puppies water bowl a few times a week now. He will be 8 months next week. 

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