
Monday 8 November 2021

Godly Healers Dream

Prior to sleep last night, I asked the LORD for guidance. 

Then at dawn while I was in dream state. The dream began with me seeing two of our Reiki students, they began their Reiki journey together 20 years ago, both are elders now. Both ladies, the sisters were together, happy and smiling in nature. 

Then I was at an MBS exhibition and I saw a young chubby woman crying, when I asked her why she was crying, she said that she couldn't find an International medium that spiritual people have known locally. 

I told her that the elderly medium is doing great for her age, (she's in her 80s) I saw her just the other week having lunch with friends. Don't worry! 

Then she said, that she couldn't find her daughter, (she is a reader), the young woman was anxious. 

I said, it's OK, she's probably taking some time out, she likes to take time out sometimes to do her inner healing work for her growth. 

Then I was looking for my stand and it had been moved. I was walking around the exhibition and asked where has my stand gone? 

One of the exhibitors said, "Your stand has been moved into the room of the godly healers". 

The room was beautiful, it was like walking inside a beautiful healing temple, it was lit up and bright, with very high ceilings, the energy was amazing and I could see the healers with their clients, and healers meditating too. 

You could feel the sheer peacefulness and power of healing has you walked into the room, a healing sanctuary, although it was like a building all of its own. It was awe inspiring, truly awesome, the power of the flames of love, you could feel and see the sheer heat of the love. 

The 8th was the last day of the festival of Diwali in this year of 2021. The festival of lights and there was plenty of lights in the room that I saw in the dream. It had gold and red hues in the room, although the walls were white. The centre of the room had a round shape with a spire above it, very high ceilings, the spaces going off from the centre made the hall into a cross shape. 

I've been looking at neutering and spaying pets in Judaism and Chabad have shared the following: The gift of life is sacred. It is written "in your land you shall not make damage to an animals reproductive organs". It is, however, OK to purchase an animal that has already been fixed by a non-Jewish vet.

What is interesting about that is during the Human Genome project research, it was discovered that cuts in childhood mutates genetics and that can cause skin disease and allergies. We also know that it isn't healthy for our pets to cut them too soon, due to impacting upon their immune systems. Some holistic vets recommend leaving it for a year in smaller breeds, and two years for larger breeds. 

Asking questions in dream state is a good sign, it means something good is happening in your life. Although it is important to correlate the other aspects of the dream. It is clear that this dream relates to my life at this time and many people are requiring help. Being in the right place at the right time. 

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