
Thursday 11 November 2021

DR JESSICA ROSE PHD -v- Mass Murder Of Children

Dr Jessica Rose Phd shares that a study was removed without explanation after being accepted for peer review. The video is titled "Mass murder of children with Covid vaccines". In fact, they are not vaccines in the nature of what people commonly understand. 

Dr David Martin Phd is also featured in this 2 min video. He is fully aware of the genocide that is happening, it is a "crime against humanity", Nuremberg 2.0 is coming. All injecting of the Nantechnology mRNA gene therapy that destroys red blood cells must stop immediately.

When I respond to TalkRadio with stats, they delete the information and links. 

US Children's Hospitals now overwhelmed with infant cardiac patients.

In the UK fatalities in male Children after getting the injections has risen by 86%.

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