
Friday 8 October 2021


Parents of pupils at Thretherras School in Devonshire have issued a legal notice to 'cease and desist' from giving their children any Covid injection without permission of the parents. The parents are willing to hold the school to account for their actions and are willing to sue. 

In the UK, the Boris Johnson administration has approved the use of Pfizer for 12-15 year olds. 

Far too many youngsters have died after being jabbed and the serious adverse reactions to the injections go into the millions. Those that have paid attention, know that the injections are lethal.

Project Veritas has been exposing Pfizer in America, not only that but a former VP of Pfizer in the UK warned people not to take the injections whatever age that you are. Virologist, Dr Bhakdi also warned people how seriously dangerous the injections are. Scientists and doctors around the world have stood against the injections, did Boris have a meeting with them? I'm sure barrister Francis Hoar would be willing to meet with Boris and his team. Although Francis tore up his Conservative membership card in 2020. 

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