
Monday 18 October 2021


QC, Chris Daw challenges the Home Secretary, Priti Patel on anonymous posting.

My view is that it is better to know what people are saying about you. I think it would be better to have a QC that knows the law has the minister for the Home Office when the nations's health and survival is at stake. If we can't have a QC at the top of the Home Office, the next best option would be a veteran and it has to be a patriot. 

Patel's career background is public relations, she is more suited to a role involving how the Conservative party communicate with the general public. Also those that stand against Patel on social media are usually our people that have had enough of the government propaganda and social engineering. 

Truth is essential, integrity is crucial to a lawful society. The ASA should certainly investigate the government ad campaigns throughout the lockdown that is also illegal in international law. When barristers like Francis Hoar resigned from the Conservative Party, that is a clear sign that the Tories have not been listening to the people and the people have had enough of their policies. Tories have been tearing up their membership cards in recent years. 

Chris Daw has written a book "Justice on Trial" and he has included a chapter on the lockdown. A very impressive man and his book sounds interesting. 

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