
Tuesday 26 October 2021


Fauci experimentation on beagle puppies, they cut the puppies vocal cords so that they could not speak during the animal experimentation. They were kept in cages in Tunisa during the experimentation. 

Nearly $2M was spent on the research, drug pharmaceutical testing of 44 beagle puppies. The people respond, "Arrest Fauci". Trending on Twitter. 

He doesn't just experiment on puppies though does he. People in many countries are being experimented upon with Nanotechnology mRNA gene therapy that includes spike proteins and graphene oxide. 

In the meantime, the Facebook whistleblower mentions "Covid misinformation", to parliamentarians in London. 

The fact of the matter is that the NHS promotional campaigns in the British media and on social media, including YT and Facebook is "Covid misinformation", why? We have the stats and the facts and we know that the injections are not safe for anyone of any age. 

What else? Boris has told children that animals could be eating humans and recycling doesn't work. Hey Boris, my local council bin men say that we have run out of landfill space by 2030! So what are you going to do with it all? Perhaps we should put it on the doorstep of Boris! Like the French farmers do with their parliamentarians. 

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