
Tuesday 12 October 2021


I trust my dog's sense of smell, if he thinks something in his food should be avoided, then I go with it. So for instance, I tried him on some kale cut up in his raw food, he then picked out each of the small pieces of kale and put it in the hallway. 

Has far has Sir is concerned, kale has no place in his bowl or in the kitchen. With broccoli, he took it to the lounge, chewed on the frozen broccoli piece until it melted, then wasn't interested in it anymore. 

Now the sprouts, last night, he thought it was a great idea to take the fresh brussels out of the veggie bag, chew them up, and spread the brussels over the lounge floor. 

Carrots, he hasn't really been interested in carrots until he was on his medication, now at 6.5 months, he loves to chew and eat a raw carrot, especially if I am preparing carrots for dinner. 

Some great graphics in this video. 

They can even pick up a scent in water and mud. 

Amazingly awesome!

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