
Sunday 17 October 2021


Mercury goes direct in Libra and Jupiter goes direct in Aquarius on the 18th of October, the "Day of Personal Leadership". Expansion for forward looking Aquarians, Aquarians tend to live in tomorrow anyway, Jupiter the joyful planet can be very empowering for those born in the sun sign of Aquarius. 

My moon sign is ruled by Mercury and going direct in Libra is positive for communications, for justice, balance, harmonics. Libra can also be an influence in your love lives, friendships and family relationships because Libra is a relationship builder via their communications. 

Not only your love lives, you can anticipate more discussion on finances too. My son is a double Aquarian and I sincerely hope that he can feel the power of the positive influence in his life at this time. 

A great people person, a great communicator, people always remarked how polite and well-mannered he is and was as a child. He had a great up bringing with great grand parents and his mum working in the creative communications industry. Then healing and holistic healthcare.  

You can always tell how an adult was brought up has a child, by the way that they communicate has an adult. Communication is key in the Christ teachings. 

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