
Wednesday 6 October 2021


At dawn on the New Moon in Libra, I had a dream of having an argument with a woman over what a puppy has been fed and should be fed. In the dream the puppy was being taken away from me. It was like I was a foster carer of the dog. The woman in the dream arguing looked like the comedian Dawn French prior to her changing her hairstyle, she had a bob haircut and her hair was black. 

In the dream I had to keep on correcting the woman that was having a go at me! Stand your ground and defend what is right, Zion defends. 

In dream interpretation to have an argument is a lucky dream of contrary,  my puppy is certainly lucky to have an holistic healer has his owner and best friend. A person that has a serious involvement with nutrition for healing and health. It can also be a warning not to make impulsive decisions in important matters, think carefully before you act. People should certainly think carefully before picking a fight with me. 

In the dream I was sharing his transition from kibble to raw food, and from mushy raw food to more chunkier raw food. He's not eating much at the moment due to the parasite that the vet and I are clearing out of his body, it impacts on their appetite. 

Hence, I am feeding him food that he will eat with some other nutrients. I should make the point that the parasite didn't come from his food, it came from the environment. Fox lungworm comes from foxes via snails and their trails. It can also be caught from foxes stools and puddles where those foxes or snails have been. People also have to clear up their dog poop too because dogs can be infected from smelling the stools of an infected dog. 

Kibble doesn't protect dogs from parasites, nor does the usual worming tablets either. Dogs have to be tested on a regular basis if pet owners are to catch it early enough. Especially when you know that the parasite is spreading across the UK. 

I'm keeping him inside for has long has it takes for him to get better. He's still putting on weight, so that is a good sign. When we were at the vet last week he weighed in at 11.1. kilo's. 

Dogs in dream interpretation are also important, and a good sign, has they symbolise friends. If the dog was friendly and affectionate it can indicate pleasure and happy times. In the dream I was being protective of the puppy being held in my arms. 

Moving of something or somebody in your dream can be advisory, informing you that you might have to make a choice between retrenchment or a new start. Buying the puppy was a new start in my life and he has everything that he requires. The 6th of October, is the "Day of Good Life", and this puppy certainly has a good life living with this healer. Although be aware that owning a dog costs a lot. 

What's the beef about raw dog food? A raw food dog producer shares with you the facts in the UK. 

He's not having any doggie creche days at the moment until he is completely cleared and 100% healthy to return to going outside. At this point in time it is best to keep him in-doors until he totally recovers from the experience. Hence, I am boosting his immune system has much has I can and detoxing his body has much has I can. He is coughing a lot less, his stools look normal, so his health situation is improving. He has his next medicine from his vet at the end of October.  She recommended that I test him again after the treatment is completed at the end of December. 

However, I intend to do another test prior to that, I will probably do another test when he stops coughing completely, or by the middle of November, whatever comes sooner. The reason they cough with lungworm is because of the larva from the parasite. There are numerous different types of the parasite, fortunately, my puppy has picked up the one that is least harmful if you catch it early enough. 

The laboratory wrote that there was a low amount of larva, they found one amongst three days of stools. So due to the testing we caught it very early on, so nothing to argue about. I'm doing my utmost to help him resolve the situation. 


  1. His coughing has stopped. So it has taken two weeks. I will do another test of his stools in another couple of weeks.

  2. The second test of his stools went in the post on Thursday 21st, so we should have the results back by Tuesday by email. I made him some pumpkin and oily fish treats this week, he really likes pumpkin. It is easier to get him to eat fish in homemade treats. This time I put in tuna fish and mackerel. He also has chicken liver treats, and the last batch of liver treats that I cooked for him was pig liver. We also have calf livers to try.

  3. The people blocking the roads in England would like us all to eat a plant-based diet, there be the argument. While Boris told children that animals could eat humans. During the menopause I had to reintroduce red meat into my diet and I felt far healthier afterwards. Whilst looking at a friend's health case on fibroids, I discovered that women have to increase our iron intake by nearly 2/3rds, the same applies to after menopause too.
