
Thursday 28 October 2021

12 Million Dogs UK

In March it was reported that there are now 12 million dogs in the UK due to the huge increase of purchase since 2019.

Report from the Raw Food Industry is that raw food for dogs is now 10% of the market and it is growing at an incredible rate. 

Raw Feed Veterinary Society.

There has also been growth in the number of dog creches and day care centres for dogs. I'd like to see some swimming pools for dogs and their owners to swim together in the UK. I'm not swimming in our seas due to the pollution in it. 

My pup is 7 months old now. He's such a happy soul, a joy to be with. I'm enjoying the journey with him. He has the all clear of the low count of Fox Lungworm that we found in testing his stools at 6 months. Apparently, Spaniels and Spaniel mixes are very prone to it due to them wishing to sniff everything. We did another test after 21 days of being on the vet's medication. 

I've been detoxing his body from the medication, with appropriate treats that I make for him and also with extra nutrients that I put into his food. 

I like the fact that he is a sniffer because he likes to sniff the healing oils that are appropriate for him. I put Cedar wood, Thyme and Neem in Coconut Oil on his neck each day. He has Lemon and Thyme in Coconut Oil on his back. He loves Coconut Oil, he likes to lick it, so I also put Coconut Oil on his belly, some say that fleas don't like Coconut Oil. 

He is a very lucky puppy because he's got the Holy Grail. 


  1. Very glad that the puppy is doing better. Am also glad that I was directed to the blogspot as I have missed you.

  2. Unfortunately, I have seen our no kill shelters absolutely swamped as people adopted dogs and cats during the time they were working from home. Now that they are going back to in office work, they cannot or just don't want to devote the attention and time to raise a puppy or even an older dog. It is quite sad.

  3. Thank you PRF, yes the puppy is much healthier now. I was sharing with Lily how funny he is. When he has eaten his food he brings me his bowl to show me he has eaten all of his food. Yesterday, he tried it with his china dish and then broke it because it was too heavy for him to carry in his mouth. That scared him. I miss you all too, I will be back has soon as I can get the clock message sorted. I'm waiting for techie to help out. Yes, the shelters in the UK are also anticipating an influx of pets. Although I think the pets could be one of the reasons that a lot of people are refusing to return to work in the office.
