
Friday 17 September 2021


The puppy and I had a lovely time in a fenced field late afternoon, he was in his element running has fast has he could from one end of the field to the other, it was joyful to watch him being so free off of his lead. 

Then this evening I did more grooming with him again to prepare him for the groomers on Monday. It is taking him a long time to learn to stay still for just a few moments. Afterwards, I gave him a treat and then has I sat down, I noticed a white feather on the corner of my right shoulder. 


The right shoulder is interesting for different reasons, and the feather is biblical, for it is written in Psalm 91. In Jewish history this day is special for Prophet Moses. If you are interested in the reason why, you can read the link provided.

Italian artist Sandro Botticelli painted a fresco for the Sistine Chapel in Rome and in the fresco known has  "The Youth of Moses" or "The Trials of Moses", you can see a dog.

Christian artists left many messages in their historic paintings. I also found a dog in an icon of Jesus when I turned the icon on its side and looked at it closely. The pyramid shape is pointing at the dog's head and the dogs head and nose is close to the halo around Jesus. 

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