
Wednesday 22 September 2021


It has been the Full Moon in Pisces and Venus is in the Scorpio transit. 

This morning I received a dream. In the dream I saw loads of people wearing tee-shirts with Superman symbology on their apparel, the tee-shirts were in different colours. They were lovely, happy people that were travelling together in a large truck. 

While their truck was parked high up in the countryside, some other people put some hazardous sand in the back of their truck, with the intention of blowing up the truck and the people in it. 

I registered what they were wearing has it seemed a very important aspect of the dream. 

The people that put the hazardous sand in the back of the peoples truck were also operatives in a facility, and they were playing some kind of game of who would live and who die. 

It was determined on how you responded to their interrogation, if you told the interrogators in the facility what they wish to hear then you were allowed to live, (e.g. if it agreed with their ideology) if you didn't give the answer that they liked then you were killed. 

When it came to my turn I told the man and woman standing in front of me holding guns, "You can't kill the righteous", the woman then had tears in her eyes and put her gun down. 

I then left the building, and went to look for the people in the truck to warn them what was in the back of it. I eventually found them at the bottom of the hillside, in a town, I saw the truck and went to tell them what was in the back of the truck. It was an American styled truck. 

Then in the next part of the dream I was on some farmland, walking with some people and animals. There was a cow in the dream with her calf and the calf had a curly coat, the calf was coming towards me to be stroked and I said to my English puppy Cockapoo, "Look, the calf is affectionate like you". 


Guns in a dream. "Whether you saw it, or used it, any type of gun in dream forecasts an injustice, either to you or someone in your close circle, which you will have to fight hard to overcome". 

"Gunpowder can indicate a sudden change of occupation for a man, for a woman it can mean an unexpected change of residence." 

Trail, "if you dreamed of following a trail, it is a sign that you can gain your goal if you persevere. In the dream I was following the trail to save the people that were in the truck". 

With both the American Superman symbology, and the American large truck, I think it does relate to a specific country. If you are not an American but are being shown America in dream state; it can indicate great happiness through family unity. 

The vehicle was taking the happy American people from one destination to another, transportation of the people was the only significance of the vehicle in the dream.  It was what had been put in the back of the truck that could harm them. Sand in a dream is a warning to be wary of new acquaintances who might try to exploit you. 

If there is "Crime" in a dream and it includes "assassinations", it indicates that you can anticipate some sensational news. 

A farm in a dream is a good sign if it is well kept. It can indicate a life of abundance, simple pleasures and good health. Very healthy living on a farm. A cow is symbolic of good luck and prosperity. A suckling calf can indicate that all of your hopes will be realised. 

My puppy was with me on the farm, and dogs are symbolic of faithfulness, loyalty and unconditional love, of course affection too due to the sheer amount of affection that our dogs give to us. 

The dream indicates that there is a job to do to help Americans and I've known that since 2007 when it was first shown to me by the heavenly Father while I was on the last mission in Israel. That is the main reason why I went to America in 2008. 

It looks like that when my mission with America is completed, I can go to the farm with my puppy has indicated by the dream. 


  1. It is Sukkot Jewish holiday, and the verse of the day is about the will of
    G-d. "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised". Hebrews 10:35-36 That happened so many times during my life on the planet.

  2. I haven't said anything up to now over the Hollywood shooting, heartbreaking. Although I keep on thinking about this dream and how it could be related to the Alex Baldwin case and "Rust" film. Then this evening, a picture of Dave Halls was published, Production Assistant on the film. He looks exactly like the man that I saw in the dream.
