
Sunday 19 September 2021


The volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands has erupted after 1,000 earthquakes in recent days. 

Nature has an amazing way of rectifying humanity when humanity think they are more powerful than nature. The last time I was on the Island of La Palma was in 2003, when I took my mother on holiday to the Island. I had visited previously due to clients requesting I fly out to the Island to teach a Hindu family healing. 

Whilst on the Island, a male child, eleven years old had a very high fever, with these hands his fever was brought down in the name of the Lord Jesus. 

Prophet Isaiah gave Island prophecies and you can view them in the biblical texts. 

It is written that the last time that this volcano erupted was in 1971 and that it is known to erupt twice a century. Interesting that it was in the 70s that the EU began. 

UPDATE 22nd September, 2021.

UPDATE 24th September, 2021 

UPDATE 25th September, 2021. 

UPDATE 28th September, 2021. 

At 10pm last night the volcano stopped erupting for a couple of hours and then began again. Some are concerned that a third vent is going to open up. 

1st October, 2021 Canary News are saying that this could go on for a month. 

2nd October, 2021, a third vent has opened up pouring out lava. 

4th October, 2021, Quan Yin can be see in these photographs. In one of the photo's she is riding a horse, in the gold underneath you can see her again standing with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. 

It is still erupting, this is the 10th October, 2021. The volcano has begun to collapse upon itself.

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