
Tuesday 20 July 2021


In dream state I was aware that I was sharing about self-mastery to help who I was speaking too. So what's happening planetary wise? Tomorrow Venus enters Virgo, on the 22nd July, the Sun enters Leo. 27th July, Mercury also enters Leo as such we can anticipate some more drama in communications.

It is easy to see who has accomplished self-mastery and who hasn't due to what they say and what they write. 

A full moon in Aquarius on the 23rd/24th July, depending on where you are on the planet. 

The 23rd July, is the "Day of Resolution", and self-mastery definitely helps people with resolutions. 

24th July, is the "Day of Instability", people attain emotional stability and balance when they integrate self-mastery. 

Author, broadcaster and Clinical Psychologist, Oliver James said that If a person hasn't mastered the (human) self and healed their past by the time they get to age 60, people rarely do after the age of 60. 

Oliver James is one of the professionals that spoke at a conference in 2014, on CBT and IAPT. The conference showed all the weaknesses of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its IAPT application. Professionals from Europe and the USA. CBT was developed in America in the 80s when couch work was big in America, nearly everyone was going for therapy. 

I agree with Olive James, it is far better and more cost effective to offer elders physical body therapies to help them. Of course, that doesn't mean that a person embraces Nanotechnology mRNA injections that are completely unnatural with an adverse impact on the physical systems of the body. 

Biblically, the injections are "poison" to the body, anything that is unnatural is considered to be "sorcery". Strong's Greek 5331. Pharmakeia - the use of medicine, drugs or spells. The concrete noun is "pharmakon", its primary meaning is "poison". So you can see where the words "pharmacy", and "pharmaceutical" came from. Big pharma is really "big poison". There was also a town in ancient Thrace, Pharmakia, located near Tarahya in Turkey, 

In the 90s I met a lovely pensioner whilst on a training course and I shared with her that she would become a Reiki Master and teach it. The sharing was accurate, she did go on to teach and she loved it. 

Self-mastery doesn't mean that you suppress a response to any situation, it just means that you are balanced in your view of the situation. Some situations are just not worth your time that is precious, as such, self-mastery is engaged in having a balance in your life that is discerning for your own preservation. The healers and mystics that have studied scripture are aware that Jesus taught self-mastery. It is inscribed for those that have the eyes to see and the heart to understand. Self-mastery is also included in the principles of Reiki. 

I knew that a friend was calling out to me last night when he said "PUSH", he knows that one of my grandmothers would call me push. It relates to a cockney saying, "Push and Shove" cockney for love. It does require love to attain self-mastery, all healing requires love to make it possible. 

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