
Friday 30 July 2021


While cooking zucchini today in the kitchen, (on shabbat) the LORD said, "JACOB" and Israel is the land of Jacob. Jacob had health issues with his hip, a reason why it is often called "Jacob's Trouble". Hence, the name Jacob links into a timeline and biblical prophecies. 

On the 24th June, 2021, NAKIM posted an update: Dr Herve Seligmann made a new analysis that children may die from the spike protein expelled by those that took the Covid injections.

I then looked at the updates from the Jerusalem Post. JP reports that the Israeli Health Ministry have announced that 143 Israelis were hospitalised with Covid-19 as of Wednesday at 12 p.m. 58% had been injected, 39% were not and 3% had received partial immunisation e.g. one dose or a full week had not passed since the 2nd injection. 

One of the patients was a child, (no age specified in the article) five were pregnant women or women who had recently given birth. It looks like the injected are still impacting upon those that that did not get the jab. 

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to transmission of the spike proteins and Dr Herve Seligmann says that children are too.  Also in Israel the majority of people that are dying, are those that have been injected.


Gynaecologist, Dr Shelley Cole, has expressed her concern over the threat that the Covid injections post to pregnant women. How people that have been injected are impacting on those that were not injected.


  1. JACOBS is in the news today. The fastest man at Tokyo2020, Lamont Marcell Jacobs, is an American-born Italian and he won the 100M gold medal at the Olympics.

  2. Jacob Rees_Mogg says that "vaccine passports aren't British".
