
Thursday 1 July 2021


Finally, a clinical trial on children wearing face masks. This blog has already covered the research on the reduced amount of oxygen adults receive whilst wearing masks. How it impacted more on the surgeons that were in the 36 years and older age group. That made sense to yours truly because after the age of 35 the Coq10 enzyme that we produce naturally starts to reduce. 

In this video, Ivor Cummins shares the latest data on the impact of masks on children and the results should shock any discerning parent. Don't get me started on the PCR tests for children, the FDA has banned the PCR tests being used in the UK and told Americans to bin them. Why? They can cause serious health conditions. 

I've read that children and adults have been putting fruit juice on the tests and that creates a positive test. 

The adults do it so that they don't have to return to work, the children do it for fun. In Italy, scientists used a kiwi fruit and got a positive from the PCR test, they laughed at it. 

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