
Saturday 10 July 2021


Depending on where you live, the New Moon could be on the 9th or 10th of July. 

The 10th of July, is the "Day of Duality", the 9th of July was the "Day of Wonder". There is certainly a lot of wonder in the UK at this time due to how well England have been doing in the UEFA cup. The cup final is tomorrow. 

Many patriots in our country are buoyant and excited about the big match tomorrow that is also on the 11th and 11 is the master number of duality. 

My puppy is 15 weeks old now, enjoying life with yours truly. He's now too big to go in his car crate, but he was a very good puppy today in the car. He settled down, sat down and laid down, now he understands he must sit or lay down in the car, he is far calmer in the car now. He has had an extra couple of weeks to grow and comprehend commands. 

He knows if I leave him in the car for a couple of minutes I am coming back for him. We are working on "separation anxiety', about being left on his own. He sleeps great in his big crate, sleeps all night and we cracked that within five days of his arrival. He knows that bed means bed and that I have to have rest too. 

He is also making loads of new friends, he's very socialised, the family that bred him did a great job to prepare him for his new home. He had his first play day with another dog this week and he loved the paddling pool. The puppy amazes me at how intelligent he is and I know that George Michael was keen for me to get the dog when I did three weeks ago. 

Dogs are heavenly, kiss, kiss, kiss. Loyal, and unconditional love. He's a great little companion and hopefully he will become an adorable therapy dog. Has the bible says, the dog licked it and I love him more each day. Puppy and I, nurturing each other. Nature, nurture and environment. 

Best wishes to the England team tomorrow. 

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