
Thursday 17 June 2021

Sun in Cancer, Jupiter Retrogade in Pisces

On the 20th of June, 2021, the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer until the 22nd of July, and Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces on the same day, both water signs. 

A very sensitive, intuitive, and for some a very emotional time. Jupiter will remain retrograde in Pisces until the 18th October, 2021. When it turns direct again, Jupiter will be in Aquarius the water carrier. 

With Jupiter stationing retrograde, it can limit the expansion of any plans that you might have. 

So for instance in the UK I've noticed that Christmas markets are already being cancelled and the British government are talking about extending lockdown measures. Another example people that took the Nanotechnology mRNA thinking that would buy their freedom to travel, those people will have to re-look at their belief systems. 

The 20th of June is the "Day of Appeal', so you might like to consider what no longer appeals to you, how have you changed in recent times?   

I'm going to see a joyful Pisces toddler and his parents on the 20th, I'm also picking up a new puppy on that day. The message that I received last night, "He's a gallant little fellow". Hence it appeals to yours truly at this time and I have prepared everything for his arrival in my home and car. 

The puppy is an Aries fire sign, the baby of the zodiac, and he was born the day prior to my parent's wedding anniversary. I chose his name in 2019, after carrying out some remote viewings for a beloved friend to help him with his health. It was during the remote viewings that I call remote scans that the name was given, and it relates to a man's past life. He shares with me that my dad is with him, helping him in Spirit during this emotional time for him and his family. 

Love beyond measure to you all has you come through the process in 2021, it is a five year and it is very physical year. A year to get physical. Hence, I am currently receiving weekly massages to help my body after the previous lockdown. 

I'm hoping to train my new companion to become a therapy dog because dogs are amazing healers when they are allowed to be. The dog licked it and I really enjoy working with dogs, they are brilliant at diagnosis and always have a way of showing you what requires your attention. 

George Michael loved his dogs and I know he is very pleased about the synchronicity and the choice that I felt compelled to make at this time. I viewed the puppy for the first time last Sunday, on the "Day of Adventure", and it will certainly be a new adventure for yours truly. I have had rescue dogs during my life, but this is the first time I've had the opportunity to rear a puppy. 

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