
Tuesday 8 June 2021


This annular Solar Eclipse on the 10th June in Gemini is on the "Day of Laughter". The last time that we had a solar eclipse in this series was in 2003. I have a Gemini Moon Sign and the Moon under my feet. 

This Aquarian also has Gemini in my 6th and 7th house, the same as a dear friend. Gemini the communicator, in the UK we call them chatterboxes. Donald Trump is a Gemini star sign. 

Donna says that Mars is in Cancer for this eclipse, and Princess Diana was born in that sign and has been drawing close in Spirit. George Michael was also born in the sign and so was Diana's son, William. Venus is in their sign too, so a romantic and sensitive time for William and Kate. 

Marigold is great for eyes, I take a Saffron and Marigold supplement. 

Mercury is retrograde so there is bound to be some back and forth. A time when the technical aspects of your life can be unpredictable, e.g. my computer has been giving me white pages this week. White pages are interesting due to us writing on white pages. 

So I might have to have the computer serviced or buy a newer model. 

I bought a new mobile phone (the last new one that I bought was about five years ago, I don't run my life with a mobile phone like a lot of people do) and it is taking time to learn how to use it. 

Sometimes things aren't always has easy as you would like them to be. Mechanical issues to do with technology are often issues I experience during Mercury Retrograde. Sometimes with electrical appliances too. What can you do? Smile, laugh at it and with it. 

Mars enters Leo on the 11th, on the "day of boundaries", so there is likely to be some more drama during or right after the solar eclipse. Although eclipse energies tend to be most intense for up to six months after an eclipse. 

The eclipse itself comes on the "day of laughter", laughter can be great medicine, and for not taking yourself so seriously, a good time for lightening up the energy and having fun with friends and or family. 

The eclipse season, we recently had the lunar eclipse and now the solar eclipse. Donna Page shares her view of it with us. 

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