
Saturday 19 June 2021


News today from the American CDC Vaers stats that a pilot nearly passed out while flying a plane after being injected with Pfizer. After being examined by the medics he is now not fit to fly.

This is not the only pilot story. Four British Airways pilots have died in 7 days. Is that usual? Not when they have to have regular health checks to ensure that they are medically fit enough to fly a plane with passengers. You can be sure that any pilot that has taken the Nanotechnology mRNA lethal injections is not fit to fly at all. Do not put your life at risk, these are the last days of the end times. 

In Israel, I read that a majority of the flight crews from EL AL refused the injections. However, they were either suspended, sacked or replaced with willing participants. In Israel, Netanyahu, Bill Gates, and an Israeli Professor are being sued over the Pfizer contract. The police are also investigating the Israeli Health Ministry, NAKIM report.

Did the globalists plan to destroy the aviation and travel industry? It certainly looks like it. 

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