
Thursday 24 June 2021


On the 5th of June, 2021, I had a nightmare about furniture being taken from my home without my permission. I was being robbed.

During the night of the 22nd of June, I received two more nightmares and the 2nd nightmare was about furniture being taken from my home again. I was being robbed again. 

50% of the furniture in my home had been removed and my place looked bare in comparison. All the tables with plants on had been removed and there was just the library cabinet on the back wall remaining. 

The robber that had removed the tables was in his 30s, quite bald, stocky build and wore glasses. I didn't recognise the man, it wasn't someone that I knew. In the nightmare I was traumatised by what he did to my home. 

During the dream I was told the man was a "sociopath". Then has I was coming out of dream state, Spirit gave me the numeric of "fifteen hundred". 

The World Health Organisation claim that during 2020, "Elder Abuse", has increased by 84% and they give solutions on the way forward to put a stop to it. It includes ensuring that the people involved in it receive treatment. There is also what is known has "Antisocial Personality Disorder". 

There is usually a history of it going back to its onset in childhood or during adolescence and "substance disorders and addiction" is often involved.

A police officer once asked me why people become "criminals", I replied, "it is to do with their childhood". 

In dream interpretation, library tables forecasts an improved status due to intellectual achievements. A kitchen table suggests a season of hard work ahead, a dining table indicates an upturn in social activities.In the lounge/art studio, I have a coffee table, side table, garden table, and small dining table. I also have a chest of drawers with art materials. They all have plants on them. 

A robbery dream is a dream of contrary, and signifies unexpected gain, unless the robbery included cash and in that case, it is a warning to be careful what you do with it.  

The numeric of "fifteen hundred", is very specific and it is the second time this year that I've been given the numeric of 15. 

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