
Saturday 5 June 2021


Yesterday, while resting I received a nightmare and it was traumatic. A neighbour had sent two men to my home and they were removing my furniture without my permission, I was watching them taking my sofa out of the lounge and they were loading a van up. 

I kept on trying to call the police but I couldn't phone the police on my new phone. There was lots of shouting and screaming in the dream. Using a telephone can indicate "rivalry" in dream interpretation. 

If you were "screaming" in the dream it is a dream of contrary and considered fortunate for that which concerns you closely. 

The police is a symbol of security and if they appear in your dream it can be a dream of contrary. 

A dream that includes someone/people "stealing" from you, is a warning dream and to be extra cautious in matters that are close to your heart and home in your locality.  Although when those that did it, are caught in the act, it can be a dream of contrary and bring good luck. 

A couch is a symbol of comfort and security, dreaming of a couch can indicate the importance of listening to trusted friends. The chesterfield sofa bed has been in my home for decades, I've looked after it. 

I originally bought it in the 90s for my spiritual room in my old house and it still looks as good as new. The local manufacturer where I bought it, is one of the only privately owned manufacturers of sofas in the UK. 

UPDATE 6th of June, 2021. 

So today I find myself defending Mary Magdalene due to an American director projecting his life experience onto Magdalene without the scripture to back up his script for the film "Chosen". 

That then brought yours truly to the verse from the book of Matthew.  Has it is written "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence and violent people have been raiding it". Matthew 11:12. 

In the dream my home was being raided by two men, then I come across a verse about the raid. 

Why is "violence" so detrimental? It can cause PTSD and it impacts on many levels of consciousness. Serious accidents are the same, people that have been in serious accidents can experience PTSD, panic attacks and it can trigger a disease. 

However, what else does scripture say? "He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight". Psalm 72:14 Isn't that exactly what Jesus did for Mary Magdalene when people were being "violent" against her? Jesus rescued her. 

In the book of James it shares that those that are pure and faultless look after the vulnerable women and children that are in distress. James 1:27 That verse re-emphasises what Jesus was living in helping Mary Magdalene to escape oppression and violence. 

Mary was a healer, an aromatherapist, a reflexologist, and scripture shows us that her husband didn't protect her from harm. Whereas Jesus did defend her and bring her under the safety of his healing rays and power of love beyond measure. Jesus liberated Mary with the power of his love, his deeds and actions. 

Mary was spiritually talented and even some of the Apostles were "jealous" of her spiritual gifts, talents, and closeness to Jesus. Jesus loved her beyond measure and he wasn't going to have his love measured by the men that stood against her. 

The Gospel of Thomas shows us that Jesus called the guys out on it. Mary's gospel shows us how humble hearted she was in respect of her spiritual ability to see Jesus in Spirit and receive communication from him. Mary knew she had been blessed by the power of his healing love and in so doing he had fulfilled biblical prophecy. 

When my dad's friend passed over, he took his friend's wife under his wing, he would take my mother and his friend's wife out to eat and on holiday together, they were all great friends. 

He was there to protect her at anytime, the same when his own brother left his wife for a younger woman, dad was always there for aunt Mary and we would visit her often. He lived the Christ teachings to the best of his ability.

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