
Saturday 12 June 2021


The 19th report has been uploaded by the MHRA Yellow Report Scheme in the UK. 

Has at the end of May, the adverse reactions stand at 1 in every 142 people. Of course, that is only the impact straight after the jabs, and it is estimated that only between 1% to 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported. Which means that the actual rate of adverse reactions is far higher. 

The stats are shocking and it includes 3,244 eye disorders from the Pfizer jab, and 11,480 from the Astra-Zeneca. Total fatal outcomes 406 from Pfizer and 863 from Astra-Zeneca.

Doctors are so alarmed by the reports that they have demanded that the MHRA stop jabbing people immediately, and they have asked for all the information on these patients and their cases.

They would like to investigate the individual cases for themselves. The MHRA is being investigated too and the MHRA has been put on notice. 

GPs have also started resigning from the NHS and more and more NHS whistleblowers are coming forward. The Covid 19 Assembly is offering whistleblowers legal protection and assistance free of charge. Barrister, Francis Hoar has launched this new service.

Yesterday, I was watching members of the general public serving papers on their local police station for liability. In the video they shared with the police that they have FOI's from 20 different hospitals in the UK that confirmed that there were no deaths from Covid in their hospitals. This is the film of the serving upon the police and they share a lot of information during the filming.

The dads mentioned that they knew of three people that had died from the jab and they will do everything in their power to stop their children being injected with the Nanotechnology mRNA. They also gave us an update that 90,000 doctors are now signed up for being against the injections. there is also over 1,000 lawyers suing world leaders too. 

I also know of two fatalities and a stroke after people were given the injections. I don't know anyone that died from the virus though. 

Dr Mike Yeadon, the former Vice President of Pfizer says that children have a 50% higher risk of dying from the jabs. Children are at no risk from the virus.

Synchronicity that this blogpost is about the 19th reports and this is the 19th blogpost this month. 

In Israel the Israeli Police are now investigating the Israeli Health Ministry. 

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