
Wednesday 5 May 2021


In a recent blogpost on "Truth Unmasked" we shared that people are experiencing transmission from the jabbed to the un-jabbed.

I'm hoping that some jabbed bodies will reject the unnatural Nanotechnology mRNA, like those of us that have refused the jabs completely. We know that some bodies reject blood transfusions and organ transplants in the same way. 

I think what we are seeing overall is a systematic deconstruction of the bodies natural and miraculous operating systems to defend the body from intrusive and unnatural mechanisms that is in the Nanotechnology mRNA injections. 

We hope to know more in a month from now about transmission, to those that read this blog we will just have to trust the divine guidance that we each receive and do our best to empower our bodies at the same time has being cautious with whom we have contact with. 

From what we've seen so far, transmission appears to be happening via touch or ingesting. 

That could explain the 2 metre distancing and also why the British government was trying to stop sexual relations. It could have been a gauge for the scientists to see what is happening with transmission. 

I'm certainly noting what happens when I go to a store. How I feel inside at the time and afterwards. 

Whether there is anything that is out of sync with my body. Whether the visit to the food store where jabbed people are shopping is having any impact upon my body whilst there and afterwards. 

So for instance, I didn't go out all over the May bank holiday last weekend, yesterday, I went out for the first time. This morning I was in chronic chest and back pain, the type of pain that one can get from "food poisoning", but it wasn't food poisoning. 

Every time, I go to a food store, I can feel an adverse reaction in the body and this has never happened prior to this timeline of people getting the Nanotechnology mRNA. 

Hospitals are reporting a high incidence of people going to hospital after receiving the jabs. This NHS whistleblower on the board says it is genocide.

In the UK, people dying of the flu and pneumonia cases are far higher than from Covid. Concerned doctors and scientists that have been warning humanity have been warning that would be the case. Hence, I was not surprised to see the report in the Daily Mail today.

The Seychelles that has the highest % of people injected in the world, 62.2%. They have now closed schools, cancelled sporting activities for two weeks due an infection surge. Which confirms once again that the injections aren't stopping anything, but they are causing harm.

From the SALK Institute research we know that it damages the cells and is the cause of adverse vascular conditions, it is not a respiratory disease the researchers claim. There are a huge amount of vascular conditions in the Yellow Card reports in the UK too.

We know that scientists have been working with this technology that can be transmitted since at least the 80s, the earliest research paper that I found on it was from 1988. Of course it was an animal study. 

A more recent New Scientist report mentions the transmission and scientists call it "Social Grooming", where they inject one animal and it then transmits to other animals that they run home too. The other method is via ingesting.  Hence the mother that breast fed her five month old baby after she took the jab, then the baby died. 

On the 14th of April, 2021, NAKIM reported that legal action on "criminal activity" has been launched against Prof. Ran Balicer, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Bill Gates. The complaint is written in Hebrew.

French Israeli's have carried out a complete analysis of what has happened in Israel and they have concluded that there is a 260% higher risk of people under 65 dying from taking the jab, for 65+ the higher risk is 40%. Hence, people that are taking the jab are doing harm to their own bodies and to others. In one case a pregnant Israeli mother died after having contact with her jabbed husband. 

In America, Dr Steve Baker is refusing jabbed patients into his clinic, stating that he has to protect his staff and one of his staff is pregnant. He says he will review the situation in a month from now. 

What is also alarming is what was found on a swab used in PCR testing, swabs with spikes impaling flesh.  I highly recommend that people don't take the test.

Updates will be given has more truth is shared. In the meantime, we are looking at ways to deactivate the jabs. 

Verse of the Day

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 

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