
Wednesday 26 May 2021


It is a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE today, on this "DAY OF PROTECTION". When I opened my eyes this morning I could see a TV size screen on the wall on my left. There were numerous emails on the screen waiting to be read and I could clearly see that the title of one of the emails mentioned the brain. 

Let me tell you that I don't own a TV, nor do I have a TV size screen on the wall. I haven't owned a television since 1998. 

26th of May, 2021 and the last time we had one of these eclipses in this series was in 2003, the year of the Harmonic Concordance when the "Star of David" was created by the planets. Spiritual people united around the world for the event that was also written in biblical prophecy. 

This eclipse is in Sagittarius on the axis of Gemini, while Jupiter is in the Pisces transit. Some say that with Jupiter in Pisces it can create an easier time. With Jupiter being the planet of expansion, I can see how the mass of lawsuits are fitting into this timing. 

The Federal Court Case being brought by Dr Shiva in America. The 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors suing with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and he is a "Consumer Protection Lawyer", all fits in with the "Day of Protection". 

Recently, I also received a dream of a locked door and I was inside my home, the front door of the home can also represent protection. A white front door and the colour of white is symbolic of purity. 

Has I'm writing this blogpost, I received a telephone call from someone that does have a TV on the wall, they live on my left, and they require a lift to view a property. The young man that requires a lift, also received a brain scan recently and he is still awaiting the results. I'm on my way to see the ENT consultant today for check a up. 

Recently, I have received two dreams relating to property and in the military dream there were three properties to view. 

My ascendant is in Sagittarius, my Mars is in Sagittarius and so is my 12th house, my moon sign is in Gemini and I have Gemini in my 6th and 7th house. I've felt the energies of this Total Lunar Eclipse coming in rapidly for a few weeks. Then we have the solar eclipse in June.

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