
Monday 3 May 2021


This is the latest research from the SALK Institute, 30th April, 2021. "The spike protein damages cells, confirming that Covid 19 has a primarily vascular disease". The article about the research from the SALK website mentions the Mitochondria and we've already received a message about that. 

In the research Salk exposed healthy endothelial cells (which line the arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE'S molecular signalling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causes the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.

My view is that it isn't just vascular, at the "Truth Over Fear Conference" Dr Judy Mikovits shared that in the 2004 trials people were getting MS and is about the nervous system and the MYELIN. 

Hence I conclude from the messages being received divinely to help us and from what are are seeing in the outcomes of the spike proteins from the experimental injections: There is a systematic deconstruction of our own bodies natural, dynamic and miraculous operating systems ability to defend itself from intrusive unnatural mechanisms. 

When I received the message about the Mitochondria, Amino Acids came next. When I received the message about the MYELIN, Lipids came next. This weekend Judy mentioned that there are Lipid Nanoparticles in the injections. 

Lipid nanoparticles deliver nucleic acids that enable the use of genetic medical intervention.  There is LNPs in both Moderna and Pfizer jabs. They use RNA technology to coat the fragile mRNA strands with PEGlated lipid nanoparticles as their delivery vehicle. 

Big pharma has been working on nucleic acids has an alternative to the usual vaccines since the 80s with a published paper on it in 1990. It has already been established by the scientists and doctors that what people are being injected with is not a vaccine but a "bio-weapon" for depopulation. The former VP of Pfizer has given humanity various warnings about the dangers of the jabs. His name is Dr Mike Yeadon.

I'm very appreciative of the divine messages, divine guidance and divine intervention at this time, sharing what I can to help has many people has possible to strengthen their bodies defences.  For those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to comprehend. 

It was on my birthday, 13th of February, 2021, that I was given the message "NANO TECHNOLOGY". At the time of receipt it sounded like a strange message to receive on my birthday.  Has time went by and more messages were received, it became even more clear why I had to hear it due to the sheer urgency of the message.  

Divine messages can be profound, I am profoundly grateful for all the help that I have been receiving to guide yours truly through the maze of it. It really does help when you can go beyond and deeper your comprehension of what has actually happened to humanity. 

The Israeli immunologist from NAKIM has provided some percentages of risk based upon the evidence of what has happened in Israel after the Pfizer jabs were given. NAKIM conclude that the under 65s have a 260% higher risk of dying from the jabs than catching and dying of the virus. 65 and over have a 40% higher risk of dying from the jab. 

We also know that the spike proteins are shedding and spreading, one of the scientific terms for that is "social grooming", whereby the animal's fur is injected and then it returns home to infect everyone else. 

That explains why the Israeli woman that was pregnant died after having contact with her husband that took the Pfizer jab. Another method is ingestion, that explains why the American woman who breastfed her five month old baby died after she received the jab. People are also reporting finding bruises all over their bodies after spending the night with an injected person. 

We know what big pharma is doing, without the consent of the people is a "Crime Against Humanity", we also know that big pharma is in breach of the "Nuremberg Codes". WHO, FDA, EMA and every MEP in the European Parliament have been put on notice. 


Another American case of paralysis, a 33 year old woman's case reported today. We've had plenty of "Yellow Card" reports of paralysis in the UK too. Some were fatal and were definitely caused by the jabs. I agree with Daily Expose, it is shocking that the mainstream media haven't reported on it - to let our people know what the side effects can be.

Due to the amount of paralysis we are seeing in young people after they've taken the Pfizer jabs, I think that the usual nutrients that keep the body healthy and operational are being depleted by the jabs. 

We know scientifically that when the body is under severe stress it depletes the nutrients in the body. 

The jabs are putting existing systems of the body under severe stress, the jabbed bodies are in "distress", trying to operate normally. When the body is in distress it starts to close down, lock up, due to so many changes happening at the same time. That's why Chronic Fatique is often experienced during menopause due to the sheer amount of changes that happen rapidly. 

Menopause is a natural development in a woman's life but taking Nano Technology mRNA is not a natural development. That is why it is back-firing upon big pharma and the people that took the jabs. 

What else has happened? This link shows a "racoon convulsing" in Miami.

This paper is from 1988, animals convulsing with the new technology.

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