
Friday 7 May 2021


Working with outer hip pain today, 1 in 4 women get outer hip pain, the anatomy of the feminine is different to anatomy of the masculine. Outer hip pain can also impact on your knees, if you are waking up feeling stiff, if could be due to the way that are you are sleeping. Another cause is when the muscles that are very taut, tensed up, it could also be caused by sitting and your posture. 

If you suffer from sciatica I recommend an inversion table, a few minutes each day and you have your methodology. I also have a sauna-steamer and that is really wonderful. 

Make sure that your muscles are getting enough water and the water requires glycerin to reach it's destination. At 2am I took 1,000mg of Glucosamine Sulphate and by 3pm on the 8th May, the condition had improved. 6pm, taking another 1,000mg and will continue over the weekend. 

I have a pure glycerin, I also have a glycerin linctus.  Depending upon the severity of the pain, you might not be able to do some of the exercises that you usually do. In such cases, therapeutic massage is essential to stretch the muscles so that you are able to do some of the exercises recommended in this video. 

If you require a new protocol for any health condition please do not hesitate to ask. 

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