
Friday 28 May 2021

ECLIPSE PORTAL 26th May - 10th June 2021

For those of our readers that are interested in this eclipse portal on a planetary level. 

The 26th of May, 2021, Total Lunar Eclipse was on the "Day of Protection" and I could see how that fits with all of the class action lawsuits with world leaders being sued. Dr Reiner Fuellmich is leading the investigation legal team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors and scientists. 

Then there is also the Dr Shiva Federal Court case too. I received a dream of Dr Shiva in April, so that Federal Court Case is definitely one to watch! In the UK, on the Lunar Eclipse itself, Dominic Cummins was giving his testimony about how Boris Johnson and his team of ministers managed the crisis in 2020. Cummins said that he hadn't been invited to the Cobra meetings prior to decisions being made by the government. It was all over the front pages of the British MSM yesterday. 

Cummins said that Boris should have closed the borders in January 2021. I agree, all borders should have been closed, no in bound flights, no in bound tourists, no immigrants allowed upon our soil. Next he said that everyone should have been tested. I totally disagree, the PCR test inventor shared that the test was never designed to be used for diagnosis for any virus and cannot do so. 

This article was written by Dr Mike Yeadon, the former Vice President of Pfizer, read this about the PCR tests.

Mike Yeadon is doing his utmost to warn people not to take any of the jabs and this is an international effort to protect and defend the people from their governments and their detrimental actions. 

Yesterday, there was news that doctors across the UK are standing against children being jabbed and they have written to the MHRA. The doctors have called out the MHRA and those that are jabbing children by saying it is "irresponsible, unethical, and indeed unnecessary".

On the morning of the eclipse I received a vision of a large TV screen on the wall, there were unread emails waiting to be viewed. I could clearly see one of the titles of emails that mentioned "damaged brains". Then yesterday, there was news about a BBC Presenter that died of bleeding of the brain after the 44 year old took the injection. She was experiencing severe headaches for a week prior to being taken to hospital. 

The next eclipse is a Solar Eclipse and it is on the "Day of Laughter". Hence, I anticipate some good news on the 10th June, 2021. 


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