
Saturday 1 May 2021


I was listening to a video last night on Pluto retrograde combined with Mars in Cancer with the recent full moon in Scorpio and how it is contributing to the "distress" on the planet. Pluto turns direct in October 2021. 

The distress is so high now doctors are saying 
 "if anxiety was an infectious disease,
 than we we would be declaring a pandemic". 

Doctors are looking at what isn't working and what is working in our lives. So it is refreshing to see a newly qualified GP writing about the fact that numerous psychological services are not working in the UK. Although some of us holistic healers in the UK have been saying the same thing since the 80s. 

"Distress" is often caused by pressure, grace under pressure is usually due to external forces. Feeling "bereft", is what many people are feeling due to the destruction of their lives, jobs, businesses, and relationships. 

Dr Katie Musgrave wrote "We need to look at the causes of distress, rather than continue to apply sticking-plaster measures to address the issues". We agree with you, the Pluto in Leo generations have been saying the same for decades.

A healthy and natural environment is essential for people of all ages Katie, not just children. Smart meters are not healthy, 5g is not healthy, sometimes school isn't even a healthy environment to be in due to the pressure that many children are in. 

A remember one of the children that I saw in the 90s, the child was brought to me because she was depressed. She had lovely professional parents and a lovely home life. I sat and chatted with the teen for a little while, I asked her a few questions. Very quickly I was able to ascertain the reason for her depression. In her case it was the social engineering happening at school. 

Her subject of choice was English, English made her heart sing. The school were pressuring her to do Science. It was all about the subject matter, and the pressure being put upon her to do something that she did not wish to do. The academic pressure was too much, her teachers that should know better, were impacting upon the girl's health in a detrimental way. 

What happens is when and if a person is "stressed", due to "pressure", the body starts to become tense and the more tense the body becomes, the more that the body locks up. So for instance some families and individuals are under extreme financial pressure and it wasn't self-inflicted. 

Governments have imposed their restrictions, lockdowns upon the lives of the people and many people are in shock at the devastation it has caused to themselves and our countries. Although some people are making breakthroughs and are refusing to serve or entertain people that took the Nanotechnology mRNA. 

Dr Mike Yeadon, the former VP of Pfizer is leaving the UK and moving to Florida, he hopes to work alongside the governor, Ron De Santis. Yeadon must be feeling very "distressed" with his knowing. 

Yeadon said, "I know enough about biotechnology to know that you can easily create, shall we say, pathogens, which don't look like they're related to what you've done. And what's even more horrifying is you can separate them in time, so that an injection which will later make you ill or kill you can be separated by design in time from that event. So you might die a year later of liver cancer or something and wouldn't connect that. 

And if you can imagine a smorgasbord of different pathogens so not everybody is going to die of the same thing, you literally could do away with big slices of the population if you want. And we could all be running around like headless chickens. This is an attempt on global depopulation".

This was London on the 24th of April, 2021. Superb turn out. Some say the largest in 29 years. If that is true, then there was more than a million people in London marching for freedom. Another freedom march is planned for May.

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