
Tuesday 4 May 2021


A Freedom of Information request dated the 5th December, 2020 asked for emails from and to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The government response confirms that the MHRA has received grant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for specific activities.

MHRA stands for "Medical & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency". 

Another point about the MHRA, we have evidence to prove that the MHRA did not give authorisation for marketing of the jabs. In the UK, it is "illegal", to advertise prescribed medications. 

Yet, Boris Johnson has spent millions on advertising. The British government is now the client account with the largest media spend in the UK and what Boris Johnson has done is totally "illegal". 

Now they plan to inject children with NANO TECHNOLOGY mRNA when there is absolutely no requirement to do so.

In America, a 12 year old girl was paralysed by the Moderna jab.

A British nurse that trained nurses to be nurses has issued a warning to doctors and nurses that whilst working for the NHS, they are involved in genocide. He is talking about starting a new representative body to represent nurses ethically in the UK. You can listen to what he has to say in this link to Brand New Tube.

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