
Friday 2 April 2021


Great news that the Supreme Court in Winconsin strikes down Gov. Tony Evers mandate statewide mask wearing. The ruling was made due to the Liberal Democrat governor exceeding his authority by unilaterally extending the mandate for months through multiple emergency orders.

In that article it claims that the cases have gone up from fewer than 400 per day in mid-March up to 470 per day in the last week. So I looked at their injection stats and Winconsin claims to have injected 29% of their population, that would certainly explain the increase in cases. 

I wonder how many adverse health reactions and fatalities there have been in the state after people were injected. Perhaps someone in Winconsin would like to take a look at that. 

I don't wear a mask and I have said no to the jabs on the telephone twice and in writing. 

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